Secret Ingredient

5 Foods for Cold and Flu Prevention

Foods for Cold and Flu Prevention

We all want to keep nasty germs at bay, and we can support our bodies by eating more foods for cold and flu prevention. As the weather continues to cool down, and we approach winter, it’s important to improve our nutrition to improve our immunity. As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

Instead of waiting to get sick, you can start to clean up your diet from now. You don’t have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods; just focus on filling your plate with more healthy foods. The more nutrients you consume, the less you’ll crave unsavory ingredients, like sugar.

Curious what will help build a strong body? Here’s what I’ve been adding to my client’s meals and menus…

Healing Foods for Cold and Flu Prevention


Garlic is antibacterial and antifungal, and helps eliminate toxins. Enjoy homemade garlic tea, or rub it into sprouted toast and drizzle with olive oil and sea salt. You can also use it as a flavor base in almost any dish.


This beautiful yellow spice is touted for reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system. It even acts as a natural painkiller. I like to add turmeric to vegetable curries, lentil soups, roasted chicken and smoothies.

Bone Broth

Everyone’s talking about bone broths lately—and with good reason. They’re slowly simmered and contain the minerals and collagen from animal bones. Drink it to restore and replenish your body. Better yet, prepare broth, and then make homemade chicken soup.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Take a shot of ACV and water each morning to clear congestion and kick-start digestion. This can also be helpful if you’re susceptible to sinus infections. Just be sure you get a high-quality brand that contains the live “Mother” culture, such as Bragg.


Did you know that broccoli contains more vitamin C than an orange? It also contains more absorbable calcium than a glass of milk. Broccoli, like other dark leafy greens, is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Steam it, stir fry it or puree it into a silky soup.

Warning: My Schedule Is Almost Full! I’d love to help you stay healthy by preparing meals that will nourish you and your family. If you’ve been considering a Personal Chef to relieve stress, check out my sample menus or contact me to get started. Weekly dinners are just a phone call away!